There is a unique story behind each Wind Phone that is best told by its creator and/or steward. No one can tell it the way they can, so to that end, the format for Featured Wind Phone stories is to share the creator/steward's responses to the interview questions verbatim in their own voice. Sharing our stories helps us to connect and heal and may inspire someone else to create or visit a Wind Phone.
This week's Featured Phone is in Tucson, Arizona; Meredith shared this beautiful Wind Phone on behalf of Tu Nudito. "Tu Nidito is a safe place where children, teens, young adults and families find comfort, hope and support while they are grieving the diagnosis of a serious medical condition or the death of a loved one. All programs are offered in English and Spanish, at no cost to children and families." What an invaluable mission. Thir Wind Phone is placed in a private area under a shade Thank you, Meredith, for sharing the Tu Nidito's Wind Phone with us.
Where is your Wind Phone located?
Tucson, Arizona
Our Telephone of the Wind is fixed to a tree located at
Tu Nidito,
3922 N Mountain Avenue
Tucson Arizona 85719
It is available to everyone during our business hours 9 am to 4 pm, from Monday to Friday. There is a bench right next to it in case a whole family wants to be present or just to sit under the tree’s shade while in conversation with that special person.
What year and month did you place your Wind Phone at this location?
June 2023
Why did you choose this location?
When adding a Telephone of the Wind, privacy is the main consideration. Our aim was to select a location enveloped by picturesque surroundings,, yet secluded and private. The chosen tree, where the phone is affixed, is the farthest area of Tu Nidito’s yard. It gives enough distance to be private while retaining a magical ambiance, complemented by the gentle sound of the wind rustling through the branches.
Is your Wind Phone dedicated or in memory of someone special?
Tu Nidito means “Your Little Nest” in Spanish. It is a safe space for those grieving a serious medical condition or death. Our programs consist of peer-to-peer group support along with continuous exploration and application of innovative approaches to bring comfort to those in grief. The Telephone of the Wind is one example of what we do at Tu Nidito, creating that unique space for individuals to converse with their special person, facilitating conversation that may not have occurred otherwise.
Do you have any advice for someone thinking of creating a Wind Phone?
Small touches can go a long way. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it can always be an ongoing project to keep making it practical, comforting, and private.
Is there anything you'd like to share that I didn't think of adding to this list of questions?
Tu Nidito’s mission is to create a community of understanding and acceptance regarding those grieving a serious medical condition or death. We are very moved and honored that you have reached out to us to feature our Telephone of the Wind. We are hoping that featuring it reaches those in our community who need it the most. Thank you for this opportunity and for supporting our efforts in spreading awareness of grief and the promise of hope.

I'd love to feature your phone! You can find all the information here to submit your Wind Phone.
Please Note: Visiting a Wind Phone location is at your own risk. We (My Wind Phone) cannot and do not assume any responsibility for your visit. See our Terms and Conditions.